Publication details

Functions and Duties of a Depositary of Collective Investment Funds



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference New Economics Challenges - 1st International PhD Students Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Economy
Keywords Collective investment funds;depositary;duties;functions;investment company;management company;unit trusts
Description The purpose of this paper is to analyse the institute of a depositary of collective investment funds, i.e. to describe and evaluate current state of affairs in the Czech Republic. In particular, the paper is focused on analysis of primary legal regulations, which are related to the investigated issues, from which typical functions and principles of activities of a depositary of collective investment funds imply and which form base for determination of duties and powers of the depositary of collective investment funds towards the Czech National Bank, management companies, collective investment funds and, in particular, to the investors.

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