Publication details

Společná platforma pro elektronické publikování a sdílení výukových materiálů v síti lékařských fakult MEFANET [online]

Title in English A common platform for e-publishing and sharing educational content in the medical faculties network MEFANET [online].

SCHWARZ Daniel DUŠEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2009
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description There are two particular goals concerning the common portal platform in the MEFANET project: 1. to unify faculty educational web portals such that the published educational content is accessible horizontally, 2. to build a common central gateway enabling easy and comprehensible content browsing. The educational web portals have no ambitions to replace well-established learn management systems (LMS) at the faculties - they should complement each other in a suitable and favorable manner. Standalone instances of the educational web portal should be implemented at the individual faculties beside their existing local information systems, whereas a development of a centralized system, hosted for the whole network, was refused. Another valuable component of the designed platform is a central gateway which should integrate all the information presented on the portal instances into one common place on the web. All these portals and the gateway compose the e-publishing platform in the MEFANET.

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