Publication details

MEFANET report 03 - Medical teaching with the use of advanced technology


SCHWARZ Daniel KOMENDA Martin ŠTÍPEK Stanislav MIHÁL Vladimír DUŠEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2010
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Contributions presented during the conference and, after all, in this Report, also illustrate a wide range of modern technologies and tools that have become a standard part of teaching at medical faculties – from virtual instruments and e-courses over surgery live broadcasting to systems for testing of students’ knowledge. A significant contribution of students themselves to creation of teaching materials and their participation in various e-learning projects must also be pointed out. The MEFANET report 03 merges the finally selected fourteen papers into two sections: A: Simulation, decision algorithms, databases and guidelines in medical education. B: Educational portals, learning management systems and e-testing agenda in medical education.

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