Publication details

Adolescents in troubles?



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Education and healthcare : School and health 21
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Psychology
Keywords adolescents; mental disorders; risk behavior; resilience
Description The aim of the study is to reveal the differences between the positive and negative components of the life situations of adolescents suffering from mental disorders in comparison with the normal population. It was based on the assumption that adolescents with disorders demonstrate more significant risk tendencies in their lifestyle. The study sample is populated by 15 year-old adolescents with mental disorders who participated in the project ELSPAC (European Longitudinal Study of Parenthood and Childhood) (N=447) and a control group, adolescents without diagnosis (N=2838). Using the SPSS statistical program we tested the null hypotheses – i.e. hypotheses about the equality of distributions in the studied groups, eventually on equality of mean values where the nature of data required it; to do so, parametric and non-parametric tests were used. Based on the results we came to the conclusion that these adolescents really suffer from greater difficulties in psychological and social areas. Furthermore, risk behavior occurs in this group at a more significant rate. On the contrary, a positive finding is that this risk group also possesses protective, resilient components which can be an important source of strength in their life situations.
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