Dean's Award 2023/2024 and Excellence Awards of FM MU

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, prof. MUDr. Martin Repko, Ph.D. will present the best undergraduate students with the Dean's Award of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University 2023/2024, which is awarded annually in the following categories:

A) for outstanding academic achievements during studies.

And if a student excels in the long term by outstanding research results or otherwise engages in public service activities that go beyond the scope of normal studies, he/she may be nominated in the following categories:

B) for outstanding scholarly achievement

awarding students who have achieved outstanding scientific research success during their studies and who are also first or second authors of a professional article published in an impact journal Q1, Q2

C) for outstanding contribution to the Faculty of Medicine MU

awarding students who, during their studies, have contributed to the development of civil society through public service activities, educational activities, humanitarian aid or have achieved significant success in the field of culture and sport

In addition, the Excellence Award for the best international students will be awarded.

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