Against Dehumanization: the Case of Palestine and Israel

The Monday programme occurs in the C33 auditorium (building C, 3rd floor) and the Tuesday programme in the Reading Room (building D, ground floor) – always at Arna Novák 1, Brno. The Wednesday programme occurs at the FSS – in the Atrium and lecture room P31 (Joštova 218/10, Brno).

The series, which focuses on current events in the Eurocentric region known as the Middle East, includes a rich programme that provides an academic perspective while attempting to convey the lived experience of people facing violence and aggression through their perspective. Aspects of dehumanization, human rights and colonialism, and the rejection of all forms of violence are essential.

When people's lives begin to be lost in numbers, we need not despair but to do more to protect their lives and humanity. The biggest problem arises when some people are just numbers to us from the beginning. That is why it is essential to talk about dehumanization and to put a human face on numbers. We want to create a platform where we can discuss openly and respectfully, open up and explore complex topics sensitively and support each other. We believe that only in this way can we find a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives on the case of Palestine and Israel.

The program will be in English with English interpretation. Throughout the event, we ask for your participation in the principles of non-violence, respect, mutual care and empathy. On the contrary, we firmly distance ourselves from all forms of hatred and reject any form of discrimination (anti-Semitism, anti-Arabism, Islamophobia, racism, queerphobia, ableism, etc.).

The series is organized by a group of young people, primarily students of Masaryk University (specifically the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Studies and Faculty of Arts). Still, it does not represent the whole university. If you have any questions, please contact

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