doc. Mgr. Jan Koláček, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
office: pav. 08/03016d
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3646 |
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Total number of publications: 100
Neparametrické odhady ROC křivky
Firma a konkurenční prostředí 2009, year: 2009
On boundary correction in kernel estimation of ROC curves
Austrian Journal of Statistics, year: 2009, volume: 38, edition: 1
ROC curves as an aspect of classification
Year: 2009, type: Requested lectures
An Improved Estimator for Removing Boundary Bias in Kernel CDF Estimation
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Bandwidth Choice for Kernel Density Estimates.
Proceedings IASC,, year: 2008
Boundary effects in kernel CDF estimation.
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Plug-in method for nonparametric regression
Computational Statistics, year: 2008, volume: 2008, edition: 1
Smooth Estimates of Distribution Functions with Application in Environmental Studies
Advanced topics on mathematical biology and ecology, year: 2008
Boundary effects for densities and distribution functions
Summer School DATASTAT 06, year: 2007
On boundary correction in kernel estimation of ROC curves
Year: 2007, type: Conference abstract