Zuzana Hofmanová, Dr. rer. nat.
Assistant professor, Department of Archaeology and Museology
Total number of publications: 32
Subsistence strategy was the main factor driving population differentiation in the bidirectional corridor of the African Sahel
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, year: 2020, volume: 171, edition: 3, DOI
Population genomic analysis of elongated skulls reveals extensive female-biased immigration in Early Medieval Bavaria
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, year: 2018, volume: 115, edition: 13, DOI
Alu insertion polymorphisms in the African Sahel and the origin of Fulani pastoralists
Annals of Human Biology, year: 2017, volume: 44, edition: 6, DOI
Ancestry and demography and descendants of Iron Age nomads of the Eurasian Steppe
Nature Communications, year: 2017, volume: 8, DOI
Palaeogenomic and biostatistical analysis of ancient DNA data from Mesolithic and Neolithic skeletal remains
Year: 2017
Review of the population genetics of European prehistory
Archeologické rozhledy, year: 2017, volume: 69, edition: 3
Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, year: 2016, volume: 113, edition: 25, DOI
Early Neolithic genomes from the eastern Fertile Crescent
Science, year: 2016, volume: 353, edition: 6298, DOI
Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia
Plos one, year: 2015, volume: 10, edition: 3, DOI
2000 Years of Parallel Societies in Stone Age Central Europe
Science, year: 2013, volume: 342, edition: 6157, DOI