doc. Ing. RNDr. Barbora Bühnová, Ph.D.

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Finished procedures

Habilitation procedures
Applicant's name at procedure initiation Ing. RNDr. Barbora Bühnová, Ph.D.
Applicant's workplace at procedure initiation Faculty of Informatics
Procedure field Informatics
Faculty implementing procedure Faculty of Informatics
Procedure status appointment to associate professor
Procedure initiation date 11 Jan 2016
Procedure conclusion date 1 Sep 2017
Habilitation thesis (publicly available part) Quality-Driven Architecture Design of Software Systems
Grounds for withholding the publication license of the habilitation thesis: The grounds for withholding the publication license of the habilitation thesis or its part are available in Czech only.
Habilitation thesis reviewers doc. Ing. Přemysl Brada, M.Sc., Ph.D. (FAV ZČU v Plzni)
Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun (University of Vienna)
Prof. Dr. Olaf Zimmermann (HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland)
Reviewers' thesis reports Report 1 | Report 2 | Report 3
Public lecture 2 May 2017 | Lecture Evaluation
habilitation board
Chair prof. RNDr. Luděk Matyska, CSc. (FI MU)
Members doc. Ing. Přemysl Brada, M.Sc., Ph.D. (FAV ZČU v Plzni)
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Brázdil, Ph.D. (Faculty of Informatics)
prof. Ing. Tomáš Hruška, CSc. (FIT VUT Brno)
prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokorný, CSc. (MFF UK Praha)
Board decision Board Decision
Faculty scientific board session date 2 Jun 2017

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