Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Mire Ecology Group
office: bldg. D32/232
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4049 |
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Total number of publications: 223
Disjunct occurrences of plant species in the refugial mires of Bulgaria
Folia Geobotanica, year: 2009, volume: 44, edition: 4
Holocene history of West-Carpathian calcareous fen vegetation
Year: 2009, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
How can we effectively restore species richness and natural composition of a Molinia-invaded fen?
Journal of Applied Ecology, year: 2009, volume: 46, edition: 2
Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace
Year: 2009, number of pages: 520 s.
Comparison of habitat requirements of the mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Scorpidium cossonii and Warnstorfia exannulata in different parts of temperate Europe
Preslia, year: 2008, volume: 80, edition: 4
Diatom Assemblages of Western Carpathian Spring Fens along poor-rich (pH/calcium) gradient
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia
Plant Ecology, year: 2008, volume: 196, edition: 1
Mire vegetation of the Muránska Planina Mts: formalised classification, ecology, main environmental gradient and influence of geographical position
Biologia, year: 2008, volume: 63, edition: 3
New plant associations from Bulgarian mires
Phytologia Balcanica, year: 2008, volume: 14, edition: 3
Shifts in the ecological behaviour of plant species between two distant regions: evidence from the base richness gradient in mires
Journal of Biogeography, year: 2008, volume: 35, edition: 2