JUDr. Ing. František Kasl, Ph.D.

Researcher, Institute of Law and Technology

correspondence Address:
Veveří 158/70, 611 80 Brno

office: C330
Botanická 554/68a
602 00 Brno

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phone: +420 549 49 5545
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Basic information


MU Faculty or unit Institute of Law and TechnologyFaculty of Law
Job classification Researcher
MU Faculty or unit Centre for Education, Research and Innovation in Information and Communication TechnologiesFaculty of Informatics
Job classification Researcher
Office C330Botanická 554/68a, Ponava, Brno
Phone +420 549 49 5545
MU Faculty or unit Faculty of LawFaculty of Law
Job classification Researcher

Other contact details


Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 462266
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