doc. RNDr. Martin Kolář, Ph.D.

Associate professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

office: pav. 08/02019b
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno

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phone: +420 549 49 4999
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Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Martin Kolář
    Born April 1, 1965 in Brno
    Married, two children
  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    Faculty of Science
    Masaryk University, Brno
Employment Position
  • Associate Professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1994: PhD in Mathematics,
    Princeton University, USA
    theses: Convexity on weakly pseudoconvex domains
    advisor: Joseph J. Kohn
  • 1988: RNDr. in Mathematical Analysis,
    MFF UK Praha
    theses: Leray residuum in hypercomplex analysis
    advisor: Vladimír Souček
Employment Summary
  • 2010- : Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MU Brno
  • 1996-2009 : Assistent professor, Department of Mathematical Analysis, MU Brno
  • 1994-1995: Assistent professor, Department of Mathematical Analysis, UPJŠ Košice
Pedagogical Activities
  • Courses taught:
    Calculus I, II, III
    Several complex variables
    Complex analysis
    Partial differential equations I, II
    Spectral analysis I, II
    Mathematical modelling seminar
    Mathematical seminar
    Stochastic processes in financial mathematics
    Stochastic analysis
    Wavelet analysis
    Mathematical-statistical methods in insurance
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Several complex variables
    Local geometry and CR invariants of real submanifolds in complex space
    Asymptotic properties of Bergman kernels
    Stochastic analysis
    Bayesian methods
Selected Academical Stays
  • 1995: MSRI Berkeley, one month research stay
  • 1999: ESI Vienna, two weeks research stays
  • 2000: ESI Vienna, two weeks research stays
  • 2001: University of Bonn and Max Planck Institute, one week research stay
  • 2005: University of California San Diego, one week research stay
  • 2005: ESI Vienna, two weeks research stays
  • 2006: ESI Vienna, two weeks research stays
  • 2006: Trinity College Dublin, one week research stay
  • 2008: University of Vienna, one month research stay
  • 2008: Max Planck Institute, Bonn, three weeks research stay
  • 2008: University of Fribourg, one week research stay
  • 2008: University of Vienna, two weeks research stay
  • 2009: University of Fribourg, one month research stay
University Activities
  • 2005-2011 : member of the academic senat of Faculty of Science
    2014-present: member of the Scientific Council of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VUT Brno
    2014-present: Deputy head for research, UMS
    2016-present: Chair of the Doctoral Board in Mathematics
Projects and other activities
  • Principal investigator:
    1999-2002 Postdoc GACR grant Local geometric properties of weakly pseudoconvex manifolds
  • Member of the research team:
    1999-2001 GACR grant Geometric and topological structures in mathematical physics
    2002-2004 GACR grant Algebraic methods of geometric analysis and topology
    2005-2007 GACR grant Algebraic methods in geometry and topology
    2017-2019 GACR grant Classification problems for real hypersurfaces in complex space
  • 2008 NSF - MSMT bilateral grant International conference in complex and CR geometry, partial differential equations and invariant theory, joint project with Harvard University, UCSD, UI Chicago and Princeton University (main organizer on the czech side).
  • 2008- Organizer of the Semi-annual Brno-Vienna meeting in several complex variables
  • Member of the American Mathematical Society
Appreciation of Science Community
  • 1988 Price of the rector of Charles University in Prague
  • Selected invited lectures:
    2001 University of Bonn
    2001 Max Planck Institute Bonn
    2005 University of California San Diego
    2005 Confererence in Honor of Professor Sheng Gong, Hefei
    2006 Princeton University
    2006 Harvard University
    2006 Trinity College Dublin - Dublin Area Mathematical Colloquium
    2007 University of Vienna
    2008 Seoul National University - principal speaker at the CR Geometry Workshop (two lectures)
    2008 Max Planck Institute Bonn
    2008 University of Fribourg - Mathematics Colloquium Lecture
    2009 Georgetown University, Colloquium Lecture
    2009 Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences at NYU
    2011 University of Amsterdam
    2012 KIAS Seoul, Korean SCV conference (principal speaker, two lectures)
    2013 University of Tokio, Hayama Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables
    2013 Complex analysis seminar, University of Vienna
    2013 Kraków–Vienna workshop
    2014 CR Geometry and PDE's, Levico Terme, Italy
    2015 Workshop “Geometry and Analysis” Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia (principal speaker, two lectures)
    2016 CR Geometry and PDE's, Levico Terme, Italy
    2017 Complex Geometry and PDE, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
    2017 Geometric Analysis of PDEs and Several Complex Variables, Sao Paulo - Serra Negra, Brazil
Selected Publications
  • EZHOV, Vladimir, Martin KOLÁŘ a Gerd SCHMALZ. Rigid Embeddings of Sasakian Hyperquadrics in C^n+1. JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. NEW YORK: SPRINGER, 2018, roč. 28, č. 3, s. 2185-2205. ISSN 1050-6926. Dostupné z: URL info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin a Francine MEYLAN. Infinitesimal CR automorphisms for a class of polynomial models. Archivum Mathematicum. Brno: Masaryk University, 2017, roč. 53, č. 5, s. 255-265. ISSN 1212-5059. Dostupné z: URL info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin, Ilya KOSSOVSKIY a Dmitri ZAITSEV. Normal forms in Cauchy-Riemann geometry. In Berhanu, S; Mir, N; Straube, EJ. ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY IN SEVERAL COMPLEX VARIABLES. 681. vyd. PROVIDENCE: AMER MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2017, s. 153-177. ISBN 978-1-4704-2255-4. Dostupné z: info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin a Francine Antoinette MEYLAN-RIVIER. HIGHER ORDER SYMMETRIES OF REAL HYPERSURFACES IN C-3. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. PROVIDENCE: AMER MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2016, roč. 144, č. 11, s. 4807-4818. ISSN 0002-9939. Dostupné z: info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin, Francine MEYLAN a Dmitri ZAITSEV. Chern-Moser operators and polynomial models in CR geometry. Advances in Mathematics. Elsevier, 2014, roč. 263, OCTOBER, s. 321-356. ISSN 0001-8708. Dostupné z: info
  • HARRIS, Adam Gregory a Martin KOLÁŘ. On Hyperbolicity of Domains with Strictly Pseudoconvex Ends. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS-JOURNAL CANADIEN DE MATHEMATIQUES. OTTAWA: CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 2014, roč. 66, č. 1, s. 197-204. ISSN 0008-414X. Dostupné z: info
  • EZHOV, Vladimir, Martin KOLÁŘ a Gerd SCHMALZ. Normal Forms and Symmetries of Real Hypersurfaces of Finite Type in C-2. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 2013, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 1-32. ISSN 0022-2518. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Finite type hypersurfaces with divergent normal form. MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN. NEW YORK: SPRINGER, 2012, roč. 354, č. 3, s. 813-825. ISSN 0025-5831. Dostupné z: info
  • HARRIS, Adam a Martin KOLÁŘ. On infinitesimal deformations of the regular part of a complex cone singularity. Kyushu Journal of Mathematics. Fukioka (Japan): Kyushu University, 2011, roč. 65, č. 1, s. 25-38. ISSN 1340-6116. Dostupné z: URL info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin a Francine MEYLAN. Infinitesimal CR automorphisms of hypersurfaces of finite type in ${\mathbb{C}}^2$. Archivum Mathematicum. Brno: Masaryk University, 2011, roč. 47, č. 5, s. 367–375. ISSN 1212-5059. URL info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin a Francine MEYLAN. Chern-Moser operators and weighted jet determination problems. In Y. Barkatou, S. Berhanu, A. Meziani, R. Meziani, N. Mir. Geometric Analysis of Several Complex Variables and Related Topics. Providence, Rhode Island, USA: American Mathematical Society, 2011, s. 75-88. ISBN 978-0-8218-5257-6. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Local equivalence of symmetric hypersurfaces in C^2. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Providence (USA): American Mathematical Society, 2010, roč. 362, č. 6, s. 2833-2843. ISSN 0002-9947. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Higher Order invariants of Levi Degenerate Hypersurfaces. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly. Boston, 2010, roč. 6, č. 4, s. 1035-1050. ISSN 1558-8599. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin, Vladimir EZHOV a Gerd SCHMALZ. Degenerate hypersurfaces with a two-parametric family of automorphisms. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. Velká Británie: Taylor and Francis, 2009, roč. 54, 3-4, s. 283-291. ISSN 1747-6933. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Generalized models and local invariants of Kohn-Nirenberg domains. Matematische Zeitschrift. Německo: Springer Verlag, 2008, roč. 259, č. 2, s. 277-286. ISSN 0025-5874. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Local symmetries of finite type hypersurfaces in C^2. Science in China Series A: Mathematics. Heidelberg: Science in China Press a Springer-Verlag, 2006, roč. 49, č. 11, s. 1633-1641. ISSN 1006-9283. URL info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Normal forms for hypersurfaces of finite type in C^2. Mathematical Research Letters. Boston (USA): International Press, 2005, roč. 12, č. 6, s. 897-910. ISSN 1073-2780. info
  • KOLÁŘ, Martin. Convexifiability and supporting functions in C^2. Mathematical Research Letters. Boston, USA: International Press, 1995, roč. 2, č. 5, s. 505-513. ISSN 1073-2780. info


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