prof. Ing. Osvald Vašíček, CSc.
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Total number of publications: 134
Habit Formation and Price Indexation in DSGE Models with Nominal Rigidities
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2009, year: 2009
Porovnání různých specifikací novokeynesiánského DSGE modelu malé otevřené ekonomiky pro ČR
Ekonomické prostředí a konkurenceschopnost., edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2009, number of pages: 14 s.
Structural change of the Czech economy
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2009, year: 2009
A Basic DSGE Model of the Czech Economy
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2008, year: 2008
Alternative estimates of NAIRU for the Czech economy: Implications for economic growth and stability
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Estimating NAIRU in Small Open Economies: Models with Adaptive and Rational Expectations
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Monetary policy and stability of Czech economy: optimal commitment policy in NOEM DSGE framework
Year: 2008, type:
Monetary Policy with Commitment: Case of the Czech National Bank
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2008, year: 2008
Příspěvek České národní banky ke stabilitě inflace, HDP a úrokové míry
Slaný a kol. Konkurenceschopnost ekonomiky (komparace zemí 10CE), year: 2008, number of pages: 9 s.
Sensitivity Analysis of DSGE Model of Open Economy with Nominal Rigidities
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2008, year: 2008