Project information
Religious and Educational Literature in Seventeenth-Century Moravia

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2004 - 12/2006
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
religious and educational literature, Moravia in 17th century; literature of 17th century

This project intends to examine religious and educational literature in seventeenth-century Moravia. This time of significant political, economic and cultural changes saw the beginnings of Baroque, yet Catholic literature was not the only one to undergo notable development: Protestantism, despite its being handicapped by strong recatholisation, has its representatives in this period too. Our research will concentrate on "popular" religious and educational literature. This literature for the masses was written predominantly for religious and educational purposes, though not without aesthetic ambitions. The findings of this research will give us more information about the level of education of the masses in this period, about the character of their faith,their aesthetic preferences and their opinions on morals and education. At the same time it can enhance our knowledge of the genre system of contemporary literary production of this type. Even though the examined genres are not part of the core of contemporary genre system, they should be studied nevertheless. Through them we can learn more about the direction and character of literary development in this period, as well as about the role religious and educational literature played in this development, both in Catholic and Protestant communities.


Total number of publications: 18

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