Project information
Why should they be left aside? -- complex support and utilization of the asylum seekers
(EQUAL 106)
- Project Identification
- 0106
- Project Period
- 9/2005 - 8/2008
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- MU Faculty or unit
- Language Centre
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
- Faculty of Education
- Keywords
- asylum seekers, teaching materials, communicative teaching of a foreign language, teaching under specific conditions
- Cooperating Organization
The Consortium of Refugee Assisting Organisations in the Czech Republic
- Responsible person Mgr. Anna Grušová
The aim of the project is to increase the qualifications of asylum seekers
by applying selected activities in order to help them acquire skills
useful in any job market. These activities include the teaching of Czech,
English and computer skills, as well as personal legal, social and
psychological counselling. DFL's role in the project consists of the
preparation and pre-testing of materials for the teaching of the Czech
language with a focus on the specific needs of the target group.
Total number of publications: 3
Chceme si porozumět a domluvit se (Manuál 2A)
Year: 2008, type: Textbook
Chceme si porozumět a domluvit se (Výuka češtiny pro žadatele o mezinárodní ochranu)
Year: 2008, type: Requested lectures
Připravujeme se na novou práci (Manuál 3)
Year: 2008, type: Textbook