Project information
Ageing, age and discrimination - new context for the Czech Society
- Project Identification
- GA403/06/1647
- Project Period
- 1/2006 - 12/2008
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Keywords
- age;age discrimination;ageism;ageing;society;social norms;social roles;social exclusion
The major aim of the project is to contribute to our understanding of age discrimination – ageism – which is together with racism and sexism considered the last and most serious form of bigotry. In societies with increasing numbers of older people ageism represents a significant barrier to social inclusion. The project is based on the empirical study of ageist attitudes in the population of the Czech Republic. It uses qualitative studies to explore the thus far neglected relationships among the society’s age-related norms, age discrimination and multiple risks, i.e. gender and social status in relation to age discrimination. In its socio-politically oriented part the project analyses and evaluates anti-discriminatory policies in Europe which are linked to the European Equal Treatment Directive. In its outcome the project will provide a complex picture of the problem of age discrimination in the Czech society while taking into account the larger framework of European structures.
Total number of publications: 33
Vybrané sociální kontexty věkové diskriminace a ageismu – nové cíle a směry
Právo na rovné zacházení : Deset let antidiskriminačního zákona, edition: 1. vyd., year: 2020, number of pages: 13 s.
Je věk jen číslo? Pohled sociologa na moderní společnost a její vztah k věku a stárnutí
Year: 2019, type: Requested lectures
Věk na trhu práce
Year: 2019, type: Requested lectures
Seniorská skupina neexistuje, všichni se dožijeme 150 a je jedno kde. Aneb alternativní realita stárnutí z pohledu sociologa.
Year: 2018, type: Requested lectures
Stereotypy o stáří na druhou? Laické, expertní a prevalentní diskurzy stárnutí v českém kontextu
Year: 2018, type: Article in Periodical (without peer review)
Šťastné narozeniny?
Year: 2016, type: Popularization text
Who, where, and how: empirical evidence of ageism in the Czech Republic
Year: 2016, type: Requested lectures
Kdy končí mládí, kdy začíná stáří a co je mezitím? Zpravodaj Rovné příležitosti do firem 3/2013
Year: 2013, type: Survey and educational texts
Ageismus - seriál o věkové diskriminaci
, year: 2011
Ageismus jako restrikce občanství a projev demografické paniky
Year: 2011, type: Survey and educational texts