Publication details

Trestní právo správní v 50. letech minulého století

Title in English Criminal-administrativ law in the 50th the last century.


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborníky z doktorandského semináře Katedry dějin státu a práva Právnické fakulty MU č. 3 (2012)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Criminal law; Administrative law; Communism
Description Soon after February 1948, the communists decided to implement a radical transformation of the Czechoslovak law in order to match the new circumstances of people's democratic state and a totalitarian regime. It should be a change in substantive law, process and change in form of organization soudnictví.Trestní complement administrative law criminal law and dealt with the punishment of offenses, ie offenses which were less than the danger of social crimes. Mainly followed the new regulations issued in 1945, which allowed the administrative punishment of national committees.

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