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Obrazový prostor na jevišti: K (re)konstrukci bostonské inscenace Intolleranza 1960 (1965)

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Title in English Space of Images on Stage: (re)Construction of Intolleranza 1960 in Boston (1965)


Year of publication 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In 1965 Sarah Caldwell, the leading American conductor and opera director, worked on an experimental operatic work, Intolleranza 1960 by Italian composer Luigi Nono, in Boston Opera Company. With its unprecedented use of images, this production introduced a new form of theatrical representation strikingly different from conventional opera and drama performances. The author of the set design and lighting concept was Josef Svoboda. In the reconstruction and analysis of this production, based on the principles of Laterna Magika, I want to demonstrate that its structure rested in the work with multiple layers of images of different kinds, their interaction with the singer and their effect on the spectator embedded in the specific cultural context. The paper also deals with questions: who was the performance created for? Who watched it, who perceived it? What type of the audience and with what expectations? In what ideological situation?
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