Publication details

Big data a jejich možnosti v kontextu knihoven

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Title in English Big data and their potential in the context of libraries

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Knihovna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Informatics
Keywords big data; NoSQL; Graph search; library; information society
Description Big data represent one of the most dynamic trends in computer science, with great potential to transform the performance of the Internet, the information society, but also, for example libraries, which have a large number of semi-structured data and should be information centers in a societal context. Paper deals with the possibilities of big data use in libraries, and the related changes in the work of information specialists and information education. Space is also devoted to various contemporary solutions such as data visualization bug, NoSQL databases and other possible solution. Always in context of the potential use of the library.
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