Publication details

Identifikace polycentrických struktur ve vztahově uzavřených funkčních regionech ČR

Title in English Identification of polycentric structures within the Czech self-contained functional regions


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Region v rozvoji společnosti 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords functional regions, travel-to-work areas, polycentric development, Czech Republic
Description Functional regionalization method delineates regions that are characterized by increased spatial integration of human activities. Flows of information and people within the region can be oriented towards one or more centres. The former suggests nodal (monocentric) nature of the region and the latter represents multimodal (polycentric) nature of the region. In terms of inner structure of social and economic relations of the regions, the concept of polycentric development is currently promoted. However, its real asset to improve living standards within the region is still the subject to discuss. The paper evaluates the level of polycentric functioning of the regions, using travel-to-work areas of the Czech Republic. Regions with significantly polycentric or monocentric character are identified by means of morphological (rank-size rule) and functional approach (especially reciprocal flows) in evaluating polycentricity. The findings show that the presence of polycentric regions in the Czech Republic is considerably limited to peripheral regions. Moreover, a direct connection between polycentric development and level of social and economic development of the regions has not been proved.

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