Publication details

Mezigenerační učení v komunitě

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Title in English Intergenerational learning in the community


Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The proposed paper draws on the first, qualitative phase. It uses the obserview research technique, i.e. observation of behaviour and a follow-up examination of interpretation of the behaviour by the participants through in-depth group interviews (Kragelund, 2009). The observations as well as the follow-up interviews are guided by the lower-level research questions, listed above. The unit of analysis is "a situation", which guarantees a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon under examination (Langová, 1992). Data analysis is guided by a search for regularities in learning situations (with emphasis on behavioural sequences and conditions leading to identical or similar behaviours), by the need for putting learning situation in relevant social and cultural contexts, and, finally, by the need for finding links between observed learning processes and social status (primarily generation membership). The purpose of this qualitative phase is an exhaustive description and explanation of situations of intergenerational learning within community programmes, applying their categorization into situations with cultural, social-supportive, and educational focus. This phase will provide a starting point for further research, namely the quantitative phase of research into intergenerational learning as an underappreciated phenomenon (comp. Hendl, 2005; Miovský, 2006; Yin, 2003).
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