Publication details

Algunas consideraciones a cerca de la morfología de los adjetivos deonomásticos de persona

Title in English Some consideration on adjectives derived from human proper names in Spanish

MALÁ Milada

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Al pie de la(s) letra(s)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Sborník příspěvků ze Setkání hispanistů
Field Linguistics
Keywords denominal adjective; relational adjective; qualifying adjective; derivational morphology; proper nouns
Description This article deals with morphologic aspects of denominal adjectives specifically with those coming from proper nouns. The first part is an outline of the morphologic aspects of the two categories used to classify adjectives i.e. relational and qualifying. Here we present that in some instances relational adjectives can be perceived as qualifying. Based on a corpus of over 300 adjectives derived from proper nouns, all of them entries in the DRAE, we study its morphologic properties and the possibility of their interpretation as relational or qualifying.
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