Publication details

Uplatnění aktivizačních metod ve výuce tělesné výchovy na základních školách

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Title in English Applying activating methods in teaching physical education in primary schools


Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Teaching is a challenging and lengthy process, which is the main content of the teaching profession. For the success of school reform is needed to put their teachers in the teaching of innovative features and use a variety of teaching methods to meet all the goals of education. The educator should choose methodologies so that students acquire knowledge of their own activities through appropriate teaching methods. A properly-designed instruction using activating teaching methods, develop pupils' key competencies required. In our research, performed in primary schools, we sought to answer a questionnaire, whether physical education teachers know the methods of active learning, and that the selected methods applied in their classes. Our realized investigation shows that physical education teachers usually know the methods of active learning, and some methods are trying to apply in their classes.
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