Publication details

Human Mind as the Creator of Meaning of a Shift of Perspective



Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Shift of perspective is a special type of twist in a narrative. In drama, it is also a technique of influencing the perception of what is going on in a play (or on the stage) for an audience or readers. This paper claims that the mind of a reader/audience is an essential part of a shift's existence, and that without human mental processes, a shift of perspective would not take place or have any meaning. The author argues that a reader/audience creates the meaning of a shift of perspective when they follow the "clues" given by a play's textual components, because it is the human mind which can, but does not have to, perceive a change of register and the subsequent shift of perspective. The author also points out that the mental components which the meaning of a shift of perspective is created by are the reception of the given information, realising what the information means and, finally, understanding of the true reality.
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