Publication details

Nutrition in sport climbing



Year of publication 2013
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description This thesis describes the characteristics of sport climbing on natural rock formations and on artificial walls. Next, there is a distribution of sport climbing in 3 levels depending on the difficulty. It outlines the evaluation of climbing performance. Next part of the thesis is focused on determining the dietary habits of athletes doing sport climbing. The survey was focused on sport climbers, who train regularly on the rocks during summer, and on artificial walls during winter. Selection of the respondents was not limited by age or gender. The respondents were from 21 to 52 years old, both men and women. The only prerequisite for participation in the survey was to train sport climbing at least 5 years. All the approached sport climbers are regular workers or students. The method of research was anonymous questionnaire. Respondents answered closed questions. There was determined the number of meals consumed per day, consumption of different types of food, fluid intake, etc. Last but not least the frequency of training was measured.

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