Publication details

Zinc content in meals. Are main courses obtained in the canteen of the Military University of Ground Forces in Vyškov in the Czech Republic all right?



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Food production
Keywords main courses; chemical analysis; zinc
Description The content of zinc of thirteen dishes obtained in Military University of Ground Forces in Vyškov was defined by means of the chemical analysis and theoretical calculation. According to the chemical analysis, the biggest amount of zinc was proven in the following dishes: roast chicken with rice and cucumber salad, while the smallest amount of zinc contained fried cauliflower, chips and tatar sauce. Having compared the results of the chemical analysis and of the theoretical calculation, it was realized that it is not possible to compare these two methods because their results differ.

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