Publication details

Doporučený postup pro diagnostiku a terapii mužské erektilní dysfunkce

Title in English Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Medicína po promoci
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Psychiatry, sexuology
Keywords erectile dysfunction; cardiovascular risk; PDE 5 inhibitors; intracavernosal therapy; shock wave therapy
Description Erectile dysfunction is defined as an inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. ED is commnon worldwide. ED shares risk factors with cardiovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction is a predictor of a serious cardiovascular event in men. Lifestyle modification (intensive exercise and decrease in BMI) can improve erectile function. Modern oral form of ED therapy by PDE5 inhibitors is safe and effective and is well tolerated. A new method in erectile dysfunction therapy is low intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy which produces neovascularisation. Intracavernosal therapy is safe and effective in diabetics and men after radical prostatectomy.

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