Publication details

Dvojí ideál britských prerafaelitů v kultuře českého fin de siecle

Title in English Two ideals of the British Pre-Raphaelites within the Czech culture of the fin-de-siecle era


Year of publication 2012
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The lecture devoted to seeking analogies and connections between works of Pre-Raphaelites and efforts of their followers within the Czech culture of the fin-de-siecle era. The first ideal of Pre-Raphaelites was the reform of art through the intentional primitivism, the second one was aestheticism, while the transformed first ideal found an echo in the Arts and Crafts movement. In the lands of the Czech crown, as well as in Vienna, the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Edward Burne-Jones was especially admired about 1900 and the works of Czech painters Max Švabinský and Jan Preisler were influenced by them. The British influence did not mean only formal patterns, but also new artistic ideas and concepts which were spread by Julius Zeyer, F. X. Šalda and F. X. Jiřík in Bohemia. The question of modernity was considered ambivalent: modernists appreciated a modern sensuality of Pre-Raphaelites, but they refused the so called literary painting and patly also the beauty ideal of these artists. The lecture has been completed and published in the book Moderna/Moderny (Olomouc 2013).

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