Publication details

Obraz světové války v díle Richarda Weinera a Jana Weisse

Title in English The Picture of WW2 in the work of Richard Weiner and Jan Weiss


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The paper analyses two expressionistic views of the WW2 suffering as they are depicted in Richard Weiner's Lítice (1916) and Jan Weiss's Barák smrti (1927). The paper pays attention to the constitutive elements on the level of motifs, in naming the evil (ranging from the metaphysical pole in Weiner's text to its concrete form in Weiss's prose). Common feature of both texts seems to be the irrationality of dream and feverish visions used as means of depicting the monstrosity of the period.

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