Publication details

DSBcB017s Pohřební zvyky a ritus ve starověku ve světle archeologie - seminář

Title in English DSBcB017s The burial customs and rite in ancient times in the light of archeology - seminar


Year of publication 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The course will focus on the study of individual burial customs of ancient cultures. The aim is to introduce students with how these nations is treated with their deaths, as awe they proved their identity and how they looked tombs and funerary complexes with their posthumous equipment. At the end of the course students will have basic knowledge about cultural rituals associated with the worship and burying the dead, tombs and funerarals of the various ancient civilizations and will be able to distinguish between them. The course will not focus only on the "rich" (eg. pharaonic) funerals, but also to "the poor" (necropolis) burial place of the common people.

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