Publication details

Úloha kvalitně odebrané anamnézy v přístupu k pacientům s funkčními poruchami pohybového aparátu – kazuistická studie

Title in English Role of punctually taken history in the approach to patients with functional disorders of motion apparatus - case report


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Rehabilitácia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords Defence character structures; Kinesiologic analysis; Kinesiotherapy; Masochistic defence structure; Personality characteristics; Psychosomatics; Rigid schemes; Somatic psychotherapy
Description Basis: Negative impacts of modern time with high occurrence of stress and sedentary lifestyle are manifested by more frequent incidence of functional disorders of motion apparatus and noticeable psychosomatic symptoms. Group and methods: in this case report we observe the changes of our proband S.B. (age:27 year old, height: 163 cm, weight: 67 kg, dominant hand: right.) The study ran from the beginning of March till the half of April. Results: Range of motion of cervical spine in lateral flexion was assessed in entrance examination, while it increased by 5 degree (F: 35 – 0 - 40). Motion is still restricted by hypertonic muscle pull. However, the frequency of pain decreased. Some partial successes were reached in the therapy but it still necessary to continue with it. Conclusion: In our opinion, the patient´s state will not improve unless she solves the stress factors in her life. Self-knowledge is necessary so that the patients can adequately and effectively cope wit stress. Acuteness and necessity of psychotherapy is proved by the fact that the same signs of behaviour, experience and emotion expression start to emerge in the son of the patient.

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