Publication details

Second Czechoslovak-Mongolian Archaeological Expedition to Mongolia 1963: Lumir Jisl and Namsrain Ser-Odjav exploration of Khentyi Aimag



Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The contribution is focused on the second Czechoslovak-Mongolian Archaeological Expedition to Mongolia, Khentyi Aimag from 9th September to 3rd October 1963, led by Lumir Jisl and Namsrain Ser-Odjav. Unlike the first Czechoslovak-Mongolian Archaeological Expedition in 1958, i.e. excavations of the Turkic Prince Kultegin on the Orkhon River Valley, the second one was devoted to the broad surface colletion as well as extensive travelling around the new archaeological sites. The very first results of the Expedition were published in Polish in Acta Archaelogica Carpathica in 1965. The findings were unique in the world’s scope, among others in creating the new detailed and broad map of the East Mongolian archaeological sites. The contribution is based on L. Jisl’s unpublished travelogues as well as on extensive visual materials.

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