Publication details

Intervenční cvičební program pro onkologické pacientky s karcinomem prsu

Title in English Intervention Exercise Programm for Cancer Patients with Breast Cancer


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Klinická onkologie
Field Oncology and hematology
Keywords breast cancer exercise quality of life
Description Movement is a sign of life and regular physical activity has an indisputable infl uence on each and every person. When applied selectively to patients after cancer therapy, physical activity, including rehabilitation, positively contributes to complete recuperation and improves quality of life. Our interventional exercise program for cancer patients was prepared and implemented on the basis of reports in the medical literature and on the lecturer’s own experience. The interventional exercise program was divided into two parts – body and mind and body fi tness. Aim: Besides increasing self-confi dence and improving quality of life, the aim of the exercise program was to improve cardiovascular function, basal metabolism, muscular strength and endurance, and joint fl exibility and to strengthen phasic muscles and stretch tonic muscles, both of which are important for balance.

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