Publication details

Los ojos en coulisse o Kant entre bastidores : la deshumanización de Ortega vista por Václav Černý

Title in English The Eyes in the Wings, or, Kant Offtage : Ortega’s Dehumanization as seen by Václav Černý


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Études romanes de Brno
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Linguistics
Keywords Dehumanization; Ortega; V. Černý; Kantian aesthetics
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Description This article deals with Spanish philosopher Ortega’s Th Dehumanization of Art (1925), but focusing in how Czech hispanist and philosopher V. Černý read it in a work published in 1929. The article discusses just The Dehumanization of Art, not the other essays on art and literature of Ortega, because these are not read by V. Černý. According to the latter, Ortega’s theoretical manifesto, apparently groundbreaking, is in fact rooted in Kantian aesthetics, sharing many elements with Romanticism and Realism, the main targets of Ortega’s attack. V. Černý analysis is interesting, firstly, to reconstruct the idea of a literary ideology shared in the literary field, and, secondly, that of the existence of a common ideological unconscious structuring it. Our article ends pointing out other questions incited by the analysis of V. Černý.

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