Publication details

The organicists : planners, planning, and the environment in Czechoslovakia (1914–1949)



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Planning Perspectives
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Urban and regional planning; Czechoslovakia; first half of the twentieth century; organic modernity; organic planning; organicism; environmentally friendly; town and country planning history; Central European planning history
Description This article takes a brief look at the history of modern Central European planning, especially spatial planning in Czechoslovakia. It is primarily focused on urban and regional planners, planning ideas, concepts, and projects that can be considered ‘organic’. Several important planners (all males) who kept pace with the most current European and US trends (e.g. Vladimír Zákrejs, Jindřich Kumpošt, Bohuslav Fuchs, Alois Mikuškovic, Ladislav Žák, Karel Honzík, and Emanuel Hruška) are discussed. The text also mentions some of the driving forces of the time, which had a fundamental impact on organic approaches in planning, including the institutionalization of urban and regional planning. Attention is also given to various international influences and the transfer of ideas that have not yet been adequately analysed. In conclusion, there are some reflections on the significance of organic modernity that succinctly express the atmosphere of that time as well as the efforts of the mentioned planners and thinkers. The main message is to show the close connection between early modern urban planning and the phenomenon of organicism, or rather, organic modernity.

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