Publication details

Jak opít zákonodárce

Title in English How to get the legislator drunk


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description If I am asking about the intoxication of legislator, I do not mean the intoxication of the natural person involved in the legislative activity. By legislator, I mean the legislative body as a whole. Based on theories of legal entities and theories of forming of their will I seek to find such concept of legislator pursuant to which the legislator could be considered as being drunk and his will could be considered as being affected by the alcohol. None of theories of legal entities do assume that the legal entity could physically drink an alcohol. So the question is if any of those theories let us avoid this problem and let us based the intoxication of legislator on another fact. In this contribution I am trying to check if it is possible to consider the legislator as being drunk and think about the consequences of admitting that the legislator could get drunk.

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