Publication details

Vliv časové struktury na odkládání studijních úkolů, sebeposuzovanou prokrastinaci a subjektivně prožívaný stres

Title in English The effect of time structure on delay of academic tasks, self-reported procrastination and subjective stress


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociálne procesy a osobnosť 2016: Zborník príspevkov
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords academic procrastination; time structure; delay; stress
Description The present study explored the effects of time and task structure on procrastination and subjective stress. We expected that higher structure will lead to less procrastination and, subsequently, less stress. We asked students of various fields (N = 450) to complete measures of academic procrastination, perceived study structure and perceived daily structure, and a form regarding latest exams and written assignments, including temporal information on actual delay. Both types of structure had weak negative relationships with academic procrastination, which were mostly explained by task delay. Students with high daily structure also reported earlier optimum time to start working and showed stronger correlation between delay and subjective procrastination. Contrary to expectations, the relationship between structure and stress was positive, indicating that external structure plays a rather ambivalent role in self-regulation.

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