Publication details

Finanční řízení komerčních pojišťoven

Title in English Financial management of commercial insurance companies


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
Description The publication „Financial management of commercial insurance companies“ is focused on the objective to provide valuable insight into financial management issues and economic approaches specific to commercial insurance institutions in the Czech Republic, and in the European Union, also. The main aim of the publication is to provide a comprehensive, systematic and coherent interpretation of constituent parts of the financial management of commercial insurance companies which is specifically conditioned by peculiarities of insurance theory and insurance practice, and in other financial insitutions, respectively in other business entities, is not used or is completely absent. As the scale of the problem is broad and extends to other scientific disciplines, the publication does not cover all the issues and therefore, it is focused only on well-defined problems in selected areas of basic financial management of commercial insurance institutions.

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