Publication details

Mittelalterliche Silberproduktion im wettinischen und přemyslidischen Regierungsraum: neue archäologische Untersuchungen

Title in English Mediaeval silver production in the territorries of Wettins and Přemyslids


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Der Anschnitt 6/2016, 216-241
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Mountains – Central Czech Highlands . 13th – the ore mining
Description Recent archaeological and archaeometallurgical prospections on the abandoned medieval mining areal in Saxony and the Czech Republic have unearthed fresh findings on the origins of non-ferrous metalworking activity in the region. Whether or not they evolved into mining towns or fell back into desolation, the picture of these early mining settlements comprises a very broad spectrum of building and house remnants which are not easily interpreted on site. Now our findings have been confronted by the results of recent excavations in Dippoldiswalde (Saxony) and the Kremsiger in the Ore Mountains of Bohemia as well as geomagnetic surveys of abandoned mining settlements in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands; in the field of mining complexes dating from the High and Late Middle Ages, these have revealed surprisingly extensive settlements with highly developer mining structures.

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