Publication details

Schlegelschall und Rauch, Neue Erkentnisse aus Freibergs Oberstadt

Title in English Song of hammer and smoke, New discoveries in Freiberg´s Oberstadt

HRUBÝ Petr SCHUBERT Matthias BERTUCH Matthias HERBIG Christoph MALÝ Karel

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Regina Smolnik (Hrsg.): Ausgrabungen in Sachsen 5, Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege, Beiheft 31, 386-406.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Freiberg – Midde Ages – Archaeology – Production of non ferrous metalls
Description The paper focussing the remainings of lead, silver and copper metallurgy in in the medieval town of Freiberg, Saxony. It is an interdisciplinary study, including a conclusions of the rescue archaeological excavations and the archaeometalurgy.

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