Publication details

''Trauma und Gedächtnis. Judith W. Taschlers Roman ohne U''



Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This diploma thesis deals with motifs of trauma and memory in the work Roman ohne U written by the contemporary Austrian author Judith W. Taschler. One of the central questions of this work is which form these motives have, what connects them and how they can be interpreted. Both analyses are preceded by the theoretical framework which is not only literary, but also psychological. The conclusion of the work is dedicated to the comparison of works Roman ohne U and Geraubte Jahre from Herbert Killian, an Austrian historian who survived the gulag and subsequently wrote a book Judith W. Taschler has let herself partly inspired by. The comparison focuses mainly on trauma and memory explaining whether both motifs in these works carry a similar function and appear with the same frequency.
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