Publication details

Movierung und Geschlechtsspezifikation von Berufsbezeichnungen in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache

Title in English Gender inflection in the field of professions in contemporary German


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This presentation deals with gender inflection in the field of professions in contemporary German and presents how German makes reference to men and women in its written and spoken form. This issue is discussed from the point of view of grammar as well as sociolinguistics. The theoretical part focuses on grammar rules, the development of gender inflection and the development and the aims of Feminist Linguistics. The theory is then supported with a practical part focused on the research of advertisements and gender-specific job titles found on various German and Austrian websites. The aim of this presentation is to show the role of gender inflection in the field of professions in contemporary German, the influence of Gender Linguistics on gender inflection and to verify to what extent gender inflection is substituted by generic masculine forms.
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