Publication details

Videostudie v muzejněpedagogickém výzkumu: případová studie

Title in English Video study in museum education research: a case study


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Museologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords museum; museum education; video study; SWOT analysis; open coding
Description The aim of this study is to introduce video study as a useful methodological tool in the museum education analysis. For this purpose, not only a theoretical insight into the given issue was provided, but in particular, the results of my own research was presented. This case study was based on research conducted using video study. A research study shows that video data can be part of the analysis of a variety of museum phenomena. These may be current museum trends, such as the orientation of the museum to the day-to-day life of visitors, or research attention may be directed to analyzing the role of the museum environment in education and so on.
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