Publication details

Das österreichisch-bosnische Bild der Milena Mrazović.

Title in English The Austrian-Bosnian image of Milena Mrazović.


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The author and journalist Milena Mrazović lived in Bosnia from 1878 onwards. First in Banja Luka and finally in Sarajevo. She was from 1884 a member of the editorial board of the German-language magazine "Bosnian Post". She was also the first professional journalist in Bosnia. From 1886 co-owner and from 1889 to 1896 sole owner. She also wrote in international journals on the culture of Bosnia and also found a strong reception in Bosnia and thus exerted an influence on the cultural life of Bosnia. At the same time, however, their descriptions also caused a certain image of Bosnia to be transported to Austria. Her picture of Bosnia is examined, that she and her publications mediate and to what extent she emphasizes or rather ignores Austrian elements

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