Publication details

Čtyřikrát a vždycky jinak

Title in English Four times and always different


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The contribution deals with the environment of four local part of the town Moravske Budejovice. At the first sight, all four are quite similar. Everyone has the same annual budget, similar infrastructure and similar local clubs and association. All four have a similar population and a political body to which the people are elected. And despite all the possible characteristics in which they acquire similar values, each is completely different in term of the functioning of the community within it. How are relationships in local parts shaped and influenced? Which recipes work in one and in another are completely unsatisfactory and why? Are the inhabitants aware of what is happening in their community-based behaviour? Why and when do they build barriers between themselves? Just a few questions on the edge.

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