Publication details

Adaptivní maticový test : recenze metody

Title in English Adaptive Matrices Test : test review


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Testfórum : časopis pro psychologickou diagnostiku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Web článek
Keywords Adaptive matrices test; Vienna Test System
Attached files
Description The Adaptive Matrices Test (AMT), a part of the Vienna Testing System (VTS), is a non-verbal, computer-based method designed to measure general intelligence as viewed by the CHC theory (eg, Carroll, 1993). The test is designed for non-clinical populations and a variety of contexts, ranging from transport psychology through human resources to neuropsychological assessment. AMT boasts a number of advantages stemming from its use of modern psychometric techniques (adaptive testing, achieving the same level of accuracy of measurement independently of the level of ability being measured, protection of the item bank from exposure, etc.) and is a user-friendly method for test administrators. The test, or rather the test manual (both in the Czech and English versions), however, suffers from a number of shortcomings. The Czech version of the manual is totally inadequate in providing complete and quality information for the test users. Missing is information on reliability (except internal consistency), validity evidence, information about the norms and norm sample, about the test development process and the design of individual items, or information related to item analysis. Among the things one can appreciate about AMT are innovativeness, user-friendliness, adaptive nature of the test, and (presumed) solid rationale for item creation and assumed test validity. However, the test materials are inadequate and give the impression of being drafts - especially the Czech version of the manual, which cannot be recommended for use. For these reasons, it is recommended to use the AMT cautiously for measurement of fluid intelligence - at least until the test manual is supplemented with information that will properly support users’ confidence in the declared qualities of the test.

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