Publication details

How Primary School Teachers Perceive Integrated Thematic Instruction



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Project-Based Education in Science Education: Empirical Texts XV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Motivation; teaching methods in science; teaching practices; investigation
Attached files
Description The integrated thematic instructions are used by science teachers as a form of motivation at primary schools. This form of motivation is quite attractive for primary school students. The primary school students cooperate with the teacher during this type of teaching methods. The teachers' view of the given teaching method is individual and influenced by many specific external factors. Advancement of this teaching method depends not only on teachers' creativity but also on their inspiration. Teachers should be prepared to integrate new information into their teaching and learning practices. The integrated thematic instruction is focused on various aspects of educational process and should improve soft skills of primary school students. They subconsciously acquire skills of constructive discussion, designing solutions, revision of results, cooperative problem solving, argumentation and many others. Primary school students also become more aware of their responsibilities. It is proved by their enthusiasm for integrating the problem solving model into their studies. The paper is focuses on analysis of the teachers' attitude to the integrated thematic instruction. The study is based on a semantic differential technique. The findings of this study suggest that integrated thematic instruction can be effective in improving attitudes towards science subjects and building personal skills of primary school students.

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