Publication details

Propojení významných momentů s terapeutickou změnou : případová studie

Title in English Connecting significant moments to the therapeutic change : A case study


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords case study; significant moments; mechanisms of therapeutic change; abduction
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Description In this case study we applied the so-called significant moments paradigm to the research of a psychotherapeutic process. The aim of the study was to identify and clarify possible relationships between client-identified significant moments and the overall therapeutic change. The client was a 27-year-old female suffering from depressive symptoms who had undergone 20 sessions of individual psychotherapy over a six-month period. The data was collected using a combination of questionnaire and qualitative methods and was analyzed using the method of abductive analysis. Based on qualitative and quantitative indicators, the therapy can be evaluated as successful. We identified seven categories capturing the links between significant moments and the therapeutic change. Thereby, we have shown that the process of solving client problems can be clearly linked with significant moments.
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