Publication details

Činitelé ovlivňující biofilní orientaci učitele a jeho přístup k (environmentální) výchově - přehled problematiky

Title in English Factors influencing teacher's biophilic orientation and his/her approach to (environmental) education - review of the issue


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source e-Pedagogium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords biophile orientation; biophile education; environmental education; ecological crisis
Description The submitted text is an original review study in which the author points out the importance of the global ecological crisis and emphasizes the need for biophile education as a possible way to overcome the crisis. The study systematizes various foreign and Czech theoretical and research findings in this area, which are structured into four domains. The first one reflects the psychological-pedagogical aspects of our relation to the nature, the second domain concentrates on significant life experiences which motivate our biophile behaviour, the third domain deals with the psychological-social aspects of the biophile behaviour and the last domain discusses the effectivity of school environmental education as a tool of modification of human behaviour in general.

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