Publication details

Relationship between Vocational Education and Science



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source R&E-SOURCE Open Online Journal for Research and Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Accreditation of degree programs; Framework requirements; Science; Curriculum design
Attached files
Description In the Czech Republic, the form of accreditation of degree programs at universities has changed since 2017. At first, the whole university is accredited by the National Accreditation Institute and then the university itself accredits new programs internally. This brings considerable problems to the newly accredited or upcoming Vocational Education Training (bachelor and master degree). At first glance, this step may seem simplifying, the opposite is true. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports continues to interfere in program accreditation by its Framework Requirements. There is a space for inclusion of science subjects in the curriculum of the university program so that its graduates have a comprehensive view of the world around them. Students should see, at least in their own field, the natural sciences and why they do some of the tasks the way they do them. The aim of the article is to present some examples in the context of their specializations. At the same time, it will be shown what inertia the changes we have to make due to changes in society have.

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